Are you home quarantined? Do these things.

Dr Upasana Gautam
4 min readApr 30, 2021
Image via Pexels

Our understanding of COVID-19 is still evolving, but it is for sure that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) has proven more contagious than the previous SARS outbreak in 2003 or MERS outbreak in 2012.

The category of asymptomatic COVID-19+ people is the most important category in the spectrum of this disease. Based on Global estimates, 80% of confirmed COVID-19 cases are either asymptomatic or have only mild to moderate respiratory illness, 15% require hospitalisation and around 5% are critically ill. However, asymptomatic COVID-19 people have the propensity to transmit the infection to others and these people need to isolate themselves at home for at least 14 days.

Being home quarantined is not an easy thing and it takes a toll on your physical and mental health. So here are some quick tips to cope with the growing anxiety and for a faster recovery.

Maintain a Routine

Proper rest is the cornerstone of healing the body faster however following a routine is equally essential to stay healthy. Get up on time, take shower and change clothes daily to maintain proper hygiene. A cared and active body will recover faster than a neglected and idle one.

Do Physical Activities

Maintain a fair level of physical activity. It is the most vital segment not only because it helps you to fret less but it also makes sure that your blood circulation is good. It decreases the chance of Deep Vein Thrombosis(DVT). As studies all over the world have found, the hypercoagulation (clotting of the blood) effect of coronavirus could be the most deleterious effect on your health with increased chances of thrombosis, stroke and heart attack. So following a simple routine of walking for 10–15 minutes, 2–3 times daily in your room itself is good enough.

Take a Healthy & Balanced Diet

Diet is another key component of speedy recovery. Diet should be easily digestible. It should have essential nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, fat with minerals. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties are quite helpful in coping up with oxidative stress which gets built up during COVID-19 illness. Having ample citrus fruits(vitamin C rich) helps in improving your well being. Similarly, home remedies like ginger, turmeric, or giloy helps to build a better immunity and fight infection.

Role of hydration in dealing with SARS CoV-2 can’t be overemphasised. Drinking 3–4 litres of liquids in the form of water, fruit juices, coconut water, ORS and tea etc should be promoted.

Comfort Your Throat

According to WHO-CHINA joint mission, after fever being the most common(88%) symptom, scratchy throat and dry cough has been found the second most common sypmtom (~ 68%) in COVID-19+ people with phlegm in 36% & shortness of breath in 18%. Gargling with betadine, which has potent antiseptic and antiviral properties, helps to reduce the viral load in the throat. Else, simple warm saline gargles can be done to soothe the throat from inflammation caused by viruses whose primary target is to attach to cilia and damage the respiratory epithelium cells. CDC have also recommended honey with warm water to relieve congested throat.

Pump up Your Lungs

In recent times everyone has started using a pulse oximeter to keep a watch on their Oxygen saturation. Lungs are the primary organ which takes the brunt of the virus. Degree of damage to the lungs decides the severity of illness from mild, moderate to severe. Apart from just monitoring saturation, a few things can be done to improve ventilation and decrease the dead space in your lungs. Simple deep breathing exercises, blowing into a balloon, holding breath, pursed lip breathing and proning(sleeping on belly) help to achieve better lung ventilation.

Stay Optimistic

Last but not the least is the mental well being and more often the most neglected part of an illness. Apprehension of the disease, separation from family and solitude can be extremely taxing. Keeping up an optimistic attitude and strong will power are key to a healthy mind and body. Read good books, do meditation, avoid negativity, stay in touch with your friends & family through phone or facetime.

Speaking our heart out is the cure we are looking for. Support of our family and friends by our side can get us through any tough times. Maybe we are on the darker side of the tunnel but we have to hold it a little bit longer, as the rays of hope are just around the corner.

